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  • Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    Members on this site can send personal messages to each other, using the P.M link. I had expected the forum page to show me if there was an unread personal message in my inbox, but as far as I can tell there is no indication unless you actually go to the inbox and check.

    Is there something that I have overlooked? If not, is there any option which can be set to give some visual indication?

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    Another thing. Because of the screen width I’m viewing this site on, the photo with the BMWOR name at the top of the screen gets mirrored horizontally to make up the full width. This results in a rather evil-looking face near the right-hand side. Is this deliberate? Or only something carefully-selected members can see?

    For those who don't normally see it, I've included it as an attachment.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    You need to select the notification option under ‘profile’. The forum will then send you an email notification. There does not seem to be any notification from within the page.

    The evil face must have been a left over from when the filmed the LOFTR.
    I guess we could do with an image update. Perhaps we could get people to make submissions. All we need is a few good ideas.

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