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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I've ridden with a karoo rear and a Pirelli front to and from Wellington. Ob the return trip it even rained. It was absolutely no problem. As Bwucie had pointed out square, worn tyres will have a much worse effect than mismatched tyres. Tyre manufacturers all use different tyre compounds. Usually the front will be a little stickier than the rear, so that the rear will let go first. However, on the open road  the surfaces change constantly and so the front and rear will have different grip levels depending on the surface they are on. In short, you probably won't notice much of a difference.Like Phil said, a lot is in the riders head, and if matched tyres make you feel more confident, that's what you need. It certianly works for me knowing that my tyres are the correct size, have the right pressure and have a good amount of tread left. The rest is a bonus.

    Post count: 267

    On the RS I ran Pirrelli Diablo Strada's front and rear, why? because I liked the looks of them and they performed well together. (perhaps if the bike behind me had them the RS would still be alive today  )The tyres are designed to operate as a pair (there is after all two of them) and as such should have similiar handling characteristics. I was told by a smooth salesman that the front tyre of a matched pair was designed to clear the water from the road for the back tyre. What a load of lovely drivel, All tyres are designed to clear water, ok some do it better than others but they all have a tread (yes I know slicks dont smarty pants  ) and thats what its purpose is. Benifits of matched tyres are. both tyres perform to the same standard  If one lets go, they both let go  They are predictable, simple as that.So how come race bike riders run mismatched tyres? Soft rears, hard fronts, wets front, slicks rear etc?  Because they are pushing the bikes to the limits of adhesion, and most importantly,,,,, Because they are doing it in a controlled and monitered environment. Therefore they can tell if they have improved or lessened the bikes handling  Us road or GS riders piddle about with tyres and suspension and tweak this that and the next thing, then measure the result with the seat of our pants  We see what we look for and decide that as we paid shitloads for it then its really really good  🙄  Within reason tyres can be run mismatched, a basic knowledge of compounds and handling characteristic's is recommended for this  Coupled with a realistic assessment of the bike I ride and how I ride it.What is more important than matched sets pf tyres are (in my humble opinion) tyres that match or exceed "MY" riding requirements

    Post count: 232

       Coupled with a realistic assessment of the bike I ride and how I ride it.What is more important than matched sets pf tyres are (in my humble opinion) tyres that match or exceed "MY" riding requirements

    So at the end of all that, if it suits you and you are happy  (that word again) with it. No one else is going to tell you what is best for you and thats the way it should be.  Regards Phil

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