Choose Your Payment Method

Please make your payment of $60-00 to the BMWMC Westpac Account  03-1519-0034447-00

Existing members, please enter

  • Particulars: Surname & First Name of the current member
  • Code: SUBS
  • Reference: Your 4-digit membership number

New members, please enter

  • Particulars: Surname & First Name of the member applying
  • Code: SUBS NEW
  • Reference: Mobile number 

Thank you, your application/renewal will be processed as the payment is reconciled.

Unfortunately, cheques have or are in the process of being phased out and are no longer accepted.

Please do not post a cheque, as it is no longer accepted. Instead, please refer to paying by bank transfer or card.

Thank you, for your membership and understanding.

BMW Motorcycle Club