This Directory is a part of the BMW Motorcycle Club’s tradition; a means of extending or receiving assistance from fellow members and welcoming visits from those passing through.

Some members of the Club, for various reasons, are unable to offer any services.  This issue does not list these members and therefore the member Services Directory is NOT a complete list of current financial members.

Please note:   The membership listings in this directory is confidential and for the use of financial members of the Club only.  Members are requested to use discretion when using the services on offer.

BMW Member Services July 2021

Generated by wpDataTables

Key to member Services codes:

  • 50k:     If the first entry consists of numbers, I have a trailer and am prepared to uplift a broken down machine from anywhere within this distance.
  • ws:       I have a workshop and tools for emergency use.
  • cc:        If passing through call in for a coffee and a chat (please phone first).
  • cs:        Camping space is available.
  • bs:        Bedroll space is available.
  • sr:        Spare room is available.